What’s New in 1.0.2

New Features

  1. 支持双重CMFD加速;

  2. 双重CMFD加速可在GPU上进行;

Bug Fixes

  1. 076ab6f: incorrect variable type

  2. a9b7161: forget to set device id before create stream

  3. 91f45dd: core2D’s sym boundary should be set for generating rotational tracks

  4. 449e742: _control_rod_map and _control_rod_position should be as lenth as _assembly_map

  5. 404d56e: if none grid in input, then do not build grid dict

  6. d8c55ea: use incorrect height to decide whether is reflector

  7. 0c99e9d: lack control rod low boundary in heights

  8. 7ad9c87: crd location should be apply offset when used to construct reflector assembly

  9. 54d8c37: incorrect slice name getting

  10. 42e679e: _control_rod_position should be padded as well as _control_rod_map

  11. d9d0746: control rod map should be padded with assembly map

  12. 6af9f03: miss setting name in fromJson

  13. 4111758: bad ireg calculation in locate_point

  14. a3b35e5: line should be apply offset inplace

  15. 9dffad9: attr meshes of region should use managed memory

  16. f4a0ce6: forget to copy some attrs in method clone; typo

  17. cf0381d: region whose volume > ZERO_VOLUME_THRESH may have none of meshes, this kind of region should be set uneffective

  18. 1798a54: region that has volume > ZERO_VOLUME_THRESH may has none of meshes