What’s New in 1.2.1

New Features

  1. 增加换料组件布料图的可视化功能;

  2. 在再启动文件中增加组件历史数据的保存;

  3. 增加输出控制类型的选项以减少计算结果文件的存储;

Bug Fixes

  1. a997f19: heat and unheated rod order

  2. cdf11f5: deivce id only be 0

  3. 608f3c6: direct flow bug

  4. 7251b3c: incorrect absolute flux normalize factor

  5. 476b75b: do not dump fuel assembly number densities for macro xs cases

  6. d61f2ea: gpus[0]’s dep_regions may be nullptr

  7. 3782cdf: the first statepoint of squence calulation may need rebuilding core

  8. 4f3d83e: axial_offset may not zero despite the condition of top and bottom are reflective

  9. fc5bfd5: EQUI Xe should not be performed in corrector step

  10. a45ff30: incorrect gpu’s library using cause unnecessary device-host memory copying

  11. 402a94e: power ratio error

  12. 397cf20: can not exit iteration if negative boron searched

  13. 1c05d00: list index error

  14. 7eda170: incorrect size of inlet_tempsmod_tempsfuel_temps

  15. ae497ab: intialize cell value array

  16. fe9158d: export reflactor cell index wrong