What’s New in 1.1.1

New Features

  1. 支持以体积打混的方式进行材料定义;

  2. 增加预测修正、预测两种方式的输运-燃耗耦合计算策略;

  3. 支持对含钆燃料棒进行细分燃耗区的模拟;

  4. 增加燃耗分布编辑输出及可视化功能;

  5. 多群常数库更新至RLIB-1.0.7;

Bug Fixes

  1. 25306b1: length used to compute flux slope should be the xy-plane-projected length

  2. ec3973c: bad reflector name got if _reflector_middle is empty

  3. 9a2f47b: _num_assembly_layers_reflector not used

  4. d05471d: empty input map padding bug

  5. 2188470: forget to synchronize all gpus after moc1d solvers launched kernels

  6. 1cba234: forget to copy plane related attrs in _clone method

  7. e9b7806: uCMFD inner iteration do not update cell avg flux

  8. 01d6396: tqdm progress bar cannot show correctly when implement openmp parallel

  9. 7f41878: input convex polygon which on the symmetry boundary will rewrite the boundary condition

  10. 846bb6b: 0 heights accurred if no bottom reflector defined

  11. 8cc507a: reflector assemblies do not need offset when generating geo data for openmc

  12. 1adb1ea: top plane may be erased by float round error

  13. 64ca6a4: incorrect negtive linear source correction