What’s New in 1.3.5

New Features

  1. 支持标记区域的中子能谱、中子注量率编辑及可视化;

  2. 支持探测器反应率三维分布的编辑和可视化;

  3. 支持全堆组件的轴向功率倾斜编辑及可视化;

Bug Fixes

  1. 6b6db73: size error if interpolating fuel planes which have different fuel regions

  2. 786d775: material nuclide number density not initialized

  3. 14df3b2: key error when search sym cell in symmetrize_center_burned_assembly

  4. 7bd7bb7: index may < 0 in assembly not rotated cases

  5. 28c1684: dataframe index error in lppt comparation if reference result df has different size

  6. 5f57bab: typo

  7. 2173509: can not use TC input boron concentrations if critical squence input before

  8. 5f3c39e: detector region index error if IT region defined

  9. 844ef8b: full core assembly power and detector reaction can not dump to excel in hexagonal core cases

  10. c2f0780: variable error if comparing with openmc result summary

  11. 78267cf: empty coolant temperature of guide tube for temperature distribution visualization

  12. b192f32: key error in meta_dict