What’s New in 1.1.4¶
New Features¶
将默认的燃耗单位由 GWd/tU 修改为 MWd/tU;
Bug Fixes¶
80d88f7: incorrect axial net current updating on top or bottom boundaries
6b1faff: temporary fixed the large error mesh bug
f298187: fission source residual should use number of fuel cells as norm
7d144be: cudaFree in track generation accurred covert memory error
05dae31: do not use temperature and density from NuCTF in reflector region
e6cc759: equilirium Xe, Sm computation use macro reaction rate, not micro
7ec2648: reaction rate unit error in I, Xe, Pm, Sm calculation
5d7aa48: incorrect moderator material if MOD is input by number densities
fc0df24: axial net current not updated and neutron balance is incorrect
14cbb99: bugs in concurrently resonance solving for different group
e119170: can not build channels on boundires for no-reflector cases
7be0030: no argument difference_type in plot_axial_data
82503f6: peak value showed without sign
d3aa81c: zero values should not be considered for unit converting
0e9427a: pin linear heat rate for clipped pins are not correct
26b0834: key error accurred in non openmc comparation
0568a7a: incorrect norm for temperature residuals computation
76084de: incorrect unit of pin linear heat rate
217916d: only fuel plane should be set the temperatures from thermal solver