What’s New in 1.2.3

New Features

  1. 对轴向功率、燃耗、通量等分布进行了平滑处理;

  2. 增加从CARIN.OUT中自动读取组件功率分布、探测器活度分布设计程序计算值的功能;

  3. 增加了针对Singularity平台的自动构建脚本;

Bug Fixes

  1. e6501b1: incorrect weight calculated for axial interpolation

  2. ba0d16b: thermal alone have no dynamic bug, reset timer control

  3. dbfde9b: is_thermal_modeling need set true when setting thermal

  4. 64ff04d: unheat rod effective temperature by fuspac

  5. dfb3a00: size of _spherical_harmonics not large enough for hexagonal cases

  6. 376fe72: save last node burnup

  7. 1beb78b: the size of _lines in SectMesing may exceed 16

  8. 8b257ca: points_assem_track may not be nullptr in some cases, which can case memory error

  9. d0d6e03: _library may nullptr for some core2d

  10. 279bb62: main core2d may change when control rod moving

  11. c0ea48b: fulidprop ‘LPhase’ invalid address

  12. d84f04e: moderator_dens vector not cleared

  13. c9b0a22: bad size of is_cb_searchings

  14. 512a070: unheat rod average temperature bug

  15. b9569ba: use last state’s boron and temperature distribution for depletion squence

  16. d92e90d: flux_type name changed

  17. 6ef96cb: can not plot control rod withdrawn steps due to key error

  18. 7248fb2: pass 47 points(afa3g), found frapcon vgap bug

  19. 50134d9: RCCA may empty

  20. dc07e47: subplane axial mesh not needed for axial powerburnupfluxtemperature plotting

  21. df99155: different shape of df and df_ref for CRW comparation

  22. 6b6e8f8: key error in scripts.py