What’s New in 1.1.2¶
New Features¶
Bug Fixes¶
feceee4: incorrect coolant perimeter and gaps
efa9eae: main_stru_set empty error
1332b14: too many values to unpack
bb05693: index boundary exceeds
307aaec: parallel GEOSIntersection is not thread safe
d10e756: vector empty error
7c6f36e: set white for nan values
2324b0a: two assembly may not has same geoemtry if one has empty cells
b2ee481: index error when accessing combine_coef
c3537ed: one residual calculation performed after 5 inner iterations for cmfd smoothing
df15f47: cell_fission_source forget to set 0 if it is not fissionable
b6424d6: 1.flux slope should be reversed in backward axial flux sweeping; 2.flux slope should be devide with mesh thickness
9a412c6: method is_same_geometry should compare empty cells as well
ea95335: moc1d flux sweeping backward is not correct