What’s New in 1.3.1

New Features

  1. 支持分批料的预先停堆冷却计算;

  2. 支持只考虑I、Xe、Pm、Sm衰变的停堆冷却计算;

  3. 支持跨步的燃耗跟踪计算;

  4. 更新了U-234、U-236的计算公式;

Bug Fixes

  1. ea50033: index error when number of reference state points more than result state points

  2. 2b23b18: typo error caused by debuging

  3. 4ce797b: do not plot comparation statistics if deviations is None

  4. 20fb4b3: detector activities should be re-normalized if NS exists for statistics

  5. dacc6b9: not in not supportted for pandas df

  6. 955e23b: variable error when comparing openmc results

  7. 23336df: critical boron not updated for depletion cases

  8. 4e751e6: reference_file not None error

  9. ebd26b8: getting state index by burnup or efpd should search DEP cases

  10. bea5919: inverse temperature coefficient calculation

  11. 65a6869: TFLUX unheat bug, and spdlog format error

  12. f16a2c7: result summary cache error when comparing two results

  13. 2a00f5f: output_types empty error in non-depletion cases

  14. e2aa382: spline line begin and end point should be the the bottom and top of data regions